About Leanne
Dr. Leanne Hall is a highly respected Australian Psychologist & Therapist.
She is a TV Presenter, Published Author, and keen researcher with a passion for speaking out against stigma, social inequity and all forms of intolerance.
“The biggest challenge or biggest crisis knocking on the doors of humankind is fear and intolerance.” - Kailash Satyarthi, Indian Children’s Rights Activist and Nobel Peace Prize Recipient
Leanne holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Sydney, where she explored the experiences of injured ultra-marathon runners through various qualitative research methods.
As a registered Psychologist, Leanne has been working as a Therapist for over 20 years, where she specialises in working with teenagers, parents, and families from diverse backgrounds.
She’s the author of Head First Health Fast, the Smart Approach to Outwitting Body Issues and Sustaining Achievable Health.
With additional qualifications in nutrition and fitness training, combined with her research interests in sociology and philosophy, Leanne’s approach is highly eclectic, as she draws on a number of mind/body techniques and influences.
Leanne has also been fortunate to have the opportunity to translate her unique approach in working with her clients and families to larger audiences through her media and writing career, in addition to her speaking and hosting engagements.
Leanne is available for media opportunities, brand partnerships, TV, radio presenting and corporate keynote speaking.
On a Personal Note
As a wife, and mum, Leanne spends her time juggling family commitments with work and study. Never finding balance, always dropping balls and struggling just like everybody else. “I often forget to change the sheets on the bed, have mould growing on food in the fridge and a pile of ironing that’s conveniently hidden in the laundry” - Leanne
There will always be sheets to wash, fridges to clean and floors to mop. Remember, family and relationships should always take priority.